Section 1: Intro to PowerShell for IT Ninjas

Welcome to PowerShell for IT Ninjas! In this session, you'll meet Adam Bertram (Microsoft MVP and PowerShell expert) and discover what you'll learn in this 30-minute crash course.

Section 2: Visual Studio Code

Learn about Visual Studio Code, the source-code editor that serves as the building block for PowerShell automations.

Section 3: PowerShell Objects, Functions, and Calls

Automate your coffee brewing experience with a PowerShell script and learn all about objects, functions, and calls. This section will take you through the natural progression of script creation.

Section 4: PowerShell Parameters

Customize and improve your coffee machine automation script by adding parameters to define data types and validate inputs.

Section 5: Monitoring Systems Using PowerShell

Put PowerShell into practice with scripts to help you monitor systems, including automating conditional alerts, pulling system info with WMI, and more.

Section 6: Automating User Provisioning with PowerShell

Many SysAdmins need to frequently provision user accounts, which can take up a lot of time if conducted manually. This section explores how PowerShell can automate this tedious task.

Section 7: Securing Workstations Using PowerShell

Device security is important, and in this section, Adam demonstrates how you can use PowerShell to automate endless device hardening tasks such as firewall activation, system setting audits, and more.

Section 8: Debugging PowerShell Scripts

Bugs happen to all scripters, this demo will teach you some tips and tricks on how to squash them. You'll learn how to use Write-Output for debugging output and techniques to help you track down bugs.